South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 10/21/18 “Do As I Do” - Judges 7:9-20 ​

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Sermon 10/21/18 “Do As I Do” - Judges 7:9-20 ​ Pastor Denny

Sermon 10/21/18 “Do As I Do” - Judges 7:9-20


I. Dream leading to assurance (vv9-14)

II. Dream leading to Action


  1. When facing a limitation, does the limitation stop you from moving forward? Do you see the limitation as an opportunity for GOD to work in your life?

  2. What battle of the mind do you wrestle with the most:

    1. Fear and intimidation

    2. Hopelessness

    3. Discouragement

    4. Delusion and confusion

    5. Worldly desires and sin

  3. What do you think of the statement: to lead you must have a contagious faith

  4. How has GOD taken the brokenness of your life and used it for HIS glory?

  5. What do you think about three qualities of an effective leader?

    1. (A reassuring confidence, clear communication, positive example)