South Suburban EFC

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sermon 12/2/18 “Who Made You King? “ - Judges 9:1-6 ​

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Sermon 12/2/18 “Who Made You King? “ - Judges 9:1-6 ​ Pastor Denny

sermon 12/2/18 “Who Made You King? “ - Judges 9:1-6


I. Family (vv. 1-2)

II. Folks ( vv. 3-4)

III. Fortress (vv. 5-6)


“What you are is GOD’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to GOD.”


  1. Are you an opportunist? Can someone be an opportunist in a good way?

  2. Who has harmed you more- someone within your family or an outsider.

  3. Growing up, what were you taught about family?

  4. What did you learn about a leader who exaggerates, promises the world , manipulates, and travels a path of immortality?