South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 12/30/18 " Newness of Life " - Romans 6:1-4

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Sermon 12/30/18 " Newness of Life " - Romans 6:1-4 Pastor Denny

Sermon 12/30/18 " Newness of Life " - Romans 6:1-4


I. Walking in Grace (v.1-2)

II. Walking in Newness (v.3-4)


Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.

Application :

  1. Do you believe what the Bible says about who you are in CHRIST JESUS?

  2. Have you ever been "antinomian"?

  3. In 2018, how has your position and practice been in alignment? Or not in alignment? How has your living chaged since accepting JESUS?

  4. What did you learn about the penalty of sin , the power of sin , the presence of sin?