ssefc 4/22/18 "GOD BLESS YOU part 1" -Numbers 6:22-27


1. The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness because of spiritual disobedience. Has there been a time in which you found yourself in the wilderness? What steps did you take to get out of the wilderness? 

2. Which do you honestly prefer- being a blessing or receiving a blessing? How well are you doing in blessing GOD?

3. Do you normally primarily associate a blessing with material objects? Why or why not?

4. Do you know that you are blessed? Do you live like your blessed?

5. What did you learn about GOD’s protection?


ssefc 4/29/18 "GOD IS NOT FAIR" - Matthew 20:1-10


ssefc 4/15/18 "Faith Builders" - Luke 6:46-49