South Suburban EFC

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ssefc 5/27/18 "LIVING AS THOUGH THERE IS NO GOD" - Judges 2:6-10

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ssefc 5/27/18 Pastor Denny


1. What's the danger of serving/worshipping people, even religious leaders, rather than the LORD ALMIGHTY 

2. What steps do you take to prevent you from forgetting the goodness of the LORD? From drifting spiritually? 

3. How well are you doing in passing your baton of faith with your family? With others? 

4. As you raise , or were raising your children did you live as though you were the primary teacher in sharing the goodness/ greatness of the LORD? 

5. What did or do your children see in you? 


Keep GOD in sight. Tell HIS stories. Teach HIS word and guard your heart