ssefc 7/29/18 “YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE “ - Judges 6:7-10
Sermon 7/29/18
“YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE “ - Judges 6:7-10
I. Remember its about needs (v.v. 7 - 8a)
II. Remember GOD’s deliverance (v.v. 8a - 9b)
III. Remember GOD’s deeds and demand (v.v. 9b - 10)
The LORD does not permit HIS children to sin successfully. - Charles Spurgeon
Application :
- Can you remember the last time GOD gave you what you needed instead of what you wanted? How did you initially respond?
- How often do you remember the times GOD has delivered you?
- What do you have to be careful not to allow to come between you and GOD?