ssefc 7/29/18 “YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE “ - Judges 6:7-10

Sermon 7/29/18 

“YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE “ - Judges 6:7-10 



I. Remember its about needs (v.v. 7 - 8a) 


II. Remember GOD’s deliverance (v.v. 8a - 9b) 


III. Remember GOD’s deeds and demand (v.v. 9b - 10) 



The LORD does not permit HIS children to sin successfully. - Charles Spurgeon 


Application : 

  1. Can you remember the last time GOD gave you what you needed instead of what you wanted? How did you initially respond? 
  2. How often do you remember the times GOD has delivered you? 
  3. What do you have to be careful not to allow to come between you and GOD? 

SSEFC 8/5/18 (partial) “Amazing Potential” - Judges 6:11-12


ssefc 7/22/18 "HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?" - Judges 6:1-6