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SSEFC 8/26/18 “One excuse after another” - Judges 6:13-17

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ssefc 8/26/18 “One excuse after another” - Judges 6:13-17 Pastor Denny

Sermon 8/26

“One excuse after another” - Judges 6:13-17


I. Doubting GOD(v.13)


II. Questioning GOD (v. 14)


III.  Making Excuses to GOD (vv. 15-16)



  1. Have you ever met a person who will not admit their doubt? Are you willing to admit your doubt? 
  2. Do you ever get discouraged and cross with the LORD? 
  3. What do you think about the statement: “GOD who sends knows our capabilities? “ 
  4. Do you believe you have amazing potential? 



Doubt is not the opposite of faith but rather the opportunity of faith.