South Suburban EFC

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ssefc 9/2/18 "ASKING AND RECEIVING" - Judges 6:17-21

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ssefc 9/2/18 "ASKING AND RECEIVING" - Judges 6:17-21 Pastor Denny

ssefc 9/2/18 "ASKING AND RECEIVING" - Judges 6:17-21


I. Asking GOD for a sign (v.18)


II. Asking GOD not to leave (vv.19-21) 



Don’t rely on signs, instead rely on the Savior 



  1. Do you believe you have favor in GOD’s sight? 
  2. Do you seek assurance/signs to relieve your doubts and to strengthen your faith? 
  3. What are some of the possible dangers of seeking a “sign” to discern GOD’s will? 
  4. Which, if any, characterize you? A) Put out a fleece B) ask for open doors/closed doors C) Seek a Word from the LORD