South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 1/6/19 "Unholy Alliances" - Judges 9:22-29

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Sermon 1/6/19 "Unholy Alliances" - Judges 9:22-29 ​ Pastor Denny

Sermon 1/6/19 "Unholy Alliances" - Judges 9:22-29


I. Unholy Alliance (vv .22-25)

II. Unholy selections (vv. 26-29)


GOD rules over "ALL" and "ALL" means "ALL" !


  1. Have you ever entered into an unholy alliance?

  2. Do you believe every injustice inflicted upon a believer will eventually be met with divine justice?

  3. What seeds were sown in 2018 that you are afraid will harvest in 2019

  4. What did you learn about the "law of diminishing returns"?