ssefc 10/13/19 "Shockingly Selfish Request" - Luke 25:1-2,11-12 

ssefc 10/13/19 "Shockingly Selfish Request" - Luke 25:1-2,11-12 


I. The Grumblers (vv. 1-2) 

II. Give Me, Give Me, Give Me (vv.11-12) 


True repentance always begins with an accurate assessment of ones own condition. - John MacArthur 


1. In what ways do you engage sinners (i.e. lost and those saved by GODS's grace) ? Do you engage with a purpose? Do you find yourself engaging in their sinful behavior? 

2. How would you define the word "prodigal" ? Have you ever been a prodigal as it relates to GOD, the Father? Are you currently praying for a "prodigal"? 

3. Did you see yourself more as an  outward/ public prodigal or inward/ private prodigal? 

4. Have you lately made a shockingly selfish request of GOD, the Father? Has someone made a shockingly selfish request of you? How did you respond? 


SSEFC 10/20/19 "Greener Grass" - Luke 15:13-14


ssefc 10/6/19 " Contaminated In Need Of Transformation p.2" - Romans 12:1-2