ssefc 9/29/19 "Behaving is Liberating" - Romans 12:1-2
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ssefc 9/29/19 "Behaving is Liberating" - Romans 12:1-2
ssefc 9/29/19 "Behaving is Liberating" - Romans 12:1-2
I. GODly Consecration (v.1)
II. GODly Transformation (v.2)
What a person believes about GOD will determine the way a person lives for GOD.
1. What do you think of the following statement: "Solid theology leads to changed lives and not the other way around" ?
2. When you are counseling/advising a saint on living for CHRIST, what do you use for motivation for transformation/change?
3. Do you truly believe you belong to HIM? What does " belong" mean to you?
4. Who are you living for? How does your life demonstrate this?
5. What did you learn today about worship?