ssefc 10/27/19 "Here Piggy Piggy" -Luke 15:15-16
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ssefc 10/27/19 "Here Piggy Piggy" -Luke 15:15-16
ssefc 10/27/19 "Here Piggy Piggy" -Luke 15:15-16
I. Feeding Swine (v.15)
II. Jealous of Swine (v.16)
To sin is to deny GOD HIS rightful place.
1. How long does it take for you to realize your sinfulness in traveling a certain journey in life? Is your first reaction to try to settle / solve the situation yourself?
.2 Have you ever thought some lawful employment was beneath you? Why? Have you ever thought a non-spiritual employment was beneath you?
3. What did you learn about the reality of sinful behavior (i.e. shame, homelessness, sadness)?