South Suburban EFC

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sermon 2/10/19 " Can I Get a Witness" - Judges 11:9-11

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sermon 2/10/19 " Can I Get a Witness" - Judges 11:9-11 Pastor Denny

sermon 2/10/19 " Can I Get a Witness" - Judges 11:9-11


I.Alarming Response


The past does not make us who we are; GOD does.


1. What are you doing in your time of "displacement"?

2. Do you have a hard time "getting over" things?

3. What do you think of the following statement: How we treat others is a direct reflection of the place GOD holds in our hearts?

4. In life’s battles, how often do you forget the person responsible for your victory? How can we gain victory over the world?