Sermon 2/17/19 “Watch What You Say” - Judges 11:29-38
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Sermon 2/17/19 “Watch What You Say” - Judges 11:29-38
Sermon 2/17/19 “Watch What You Say” - Judges 11:29-38
I. The Vow (vv. 29-31)
II. The Victory (vv. 32-33)
III. The Vigilance ( v.v. 34-40)
Any victories we might enjoy in this life are divine in origin.
1. Are you an artful diplomat or a straight - up fighter?
2. What did you learn about making a “vow”? When was your last negotiation with GOD?
3. Think back to your last “victory”? How much praise did you give the LORD? How much praise did you give yourself?