sermon 2/24/19 "Help is on the way" - Judges 13:1-8
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sermon 2/24/19 "Help is on the way" - Judges 13:1-8
sermon 2/24/19 "Help is on the way" - Judges 13:1-8
I. Hope for the hopeless (vv.1-3)
II. Help for the helpless (vv. 4-8 )
GOD knows exactly what we need, and HE knows just when to send it.
1. How much hope , how much help do you get from the promises of GOD?
2. What do you think of the following statement: GOD always meets us at the point of our inability - GOD enters our hopeless condition.
3. What do you think of the following statement: When we are instructed to sacrifce something, let go of something or abstain from something or a lifestyle , do not argue, just trust and obey.
4. Do you truly believe GOD knows what you need? If so, does your life demontrate this belief?