Sermon 3/10/19 "Don't Be Fooled" - James 1:12-18
Sermon 3/10/19 "Don’t Be Fooled" - James 1:12-18
Quote :
GOD often puts us in situations that are too much for us so that we will learn that no situation is too much for HIM
I. Devotion Tested
II. Desire Tempted
III. Deception Avoided
Ministry Application
1. When you review your last few tests, were they positive/negative processes? Were you able to identify who was administering the test? How did you perform on the tests?
2. GOD's tests and Satan’s temptations are tailor made for the individual. How can you use that information to persevere in difficult times?
3. James said we were enticed away from our place of safety. Are you easily lured away from your place of security? Have you identified some of your most enticing baits?
4. It is not sin to be tempted. All desires are not bad. What safeguards have you implemented to avoid trying to find fulfillment outside of GOD?
5. How would you encourage someone who is being tested by GOD?