South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 4/14/19 “Who do you think you are?” - Matthew 21:23-27

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Sermon 4/14/19 “Who do you think you are?” - Matthew 21:23-27 Pastor Denny

Sermon 4/14/19 “Who do you think you are?” - Matthew 21:23-27


1. Questioning authority (v.23)

2.Revealing Authority (vv. 24-27)


Until the will and the affections are brought under the authority of CHRIST, we have not begun to understand, let alone to accept HIS Lordship. - Elisabeth Elliot


1. How do you plan to observe Passion Week?

2. Have you ever had someone try to discredit you? Have you ever tried to discredit someone’s else’s authority? Why?

3. Have you ever thought you could outsmart the


4. Have you ever been guilty of relying on earthly credentials?

5. When was the last time you couldn’t handle GOD’s truth?