South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 4/7/10 "Playing with Fire" - Judges 14:10-11

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Sermon 4/7/10 "Playing with Fire" - Judges 14:10-11 Pastor Denny

Sermon 4/7/10 "Playing with Fire" - Judges 14:10-11


I. The Bride and the Groom


An evil act thats allowed to exist in your life will become a habit you will find hard to break.


1. Which of the 4 D's do you struggle with the most (i.e. desire, disrespect, disobedience, deception)?

2. What evil act have you allowed to exist in your life that has become a habit that you find hard to break?

3. How often do you view yourself as the LORD's bride? How often do you think about the Judgment Seat of Christ?