South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 5/5/19 "The Fire That Rages Within" - Judges 15:1-8

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Sermon 5/5/19 "The Fire That Rages Within" - Judges 15:1-8 Pastor Denny

Sermon 5/5/19 "The Fire That Rages Within" - Judges 15:1-8


1. Vengeful Retaliation (vv. 1-5)

2. Vengeful Miscalculation (vv.6 - 8)


Vengeance is wrong because it places our desire over GOD's purpose.


1. Has your cooling off period diminished since becoming a believer? What do you do to cool off? (i.e. as it relates to anger)

2. Are you one who is easily offended? Are you one who insists on your rights?

3. Are you a vengeful person? Do you believe revenge always escalates out of control?

4. What did you learn about how not to waste your life?