South Suburban EFC

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Sermon 5/19/19 "Thirsty" - Judges 15:13-20

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Sermon 5/19/19 "Thirsty" - Judges 15:13-20 Pastor Denny

Sermon 5/19/19 "Thirsty" - Judges 15:13-20


I.. Strength of a Jawbone (vv.13-17)

II. Strength of Thirst (vv. 18-20)


When I am weak, then I am strong.


1. Have you ever lived by the motto: You have to go along to get along- Dont rock the boat?

2. What will it take for GOD to use what is in your hand?

3. When was the last time you thirsted for the LORD?

4. What do you think of the test/std: Will this action glorify GOD , or will it diminish HIS glory?

5. Are you in need of a revival? Which type?