sermon 7/14/19 " The Way of Destruction " - Judges 18:1-6

sermon 7/14/19


The Way of Destruction


- Judges 18:1-6


I. Looking in the Wrong Place ( vv. 1-2)

II. Looking to the Wrong Person (vv. 3-6)


We will be an easy target for the devil if we allow loftiness and loneliness.


1. Have you ever experienced a time of spiritual complacency? If yes, what led up to your complacency? What led you out of your spiritual complacency?

2. Do you believe you can choose to mingle/ primarily associate with the people of the world and it will not affect you?

3. What do you think of the following statement: When you refuse to stand up for GOD, many of your privileges are taken away.

4. Are you a lonely person? Do you choose to be lonely as it relates to the church? Do you need the church ? Do you believe the church needs you?

5. Have you ever made decisions with the philosophy/ thought process -

"If I have peace with my decisions it's its ok to go ahead with decision.”?


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