ssefc 6/30/19 "IS GOD YOUR COMPASS?" - Judges 17:1-6
ssefc 6/30/19 "IS GOD YOUR COMPASS?" - Judges 17:1-6
I. Attempting to Bless Mess (vv.1-4)
II. Attempting to call mess good (vv. 5-6)
Let GOD be the compass in your life. He will always point you in the right direction.
1. What have you attempted to bless even though it is forbidden by GOD?
2. What similarities do you see in regard to the children of Israel in Judges and saints of GOD today?
3. What do you think of the statement,"as the home goes, so goes the church , and as the church goes, so goes the nation"?
4. Before you accepted JESUS CHRIST as your savior, what/who was your compass? Did your compass change after accepting CHRIST? What areas of your life have not changed?