South Suburban EFC

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ssefc 8/18/19 - "I'll Be Back p.2"- Matthew 25:24-30

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ssefc 8/18/19 - " I'll Be Back p.2 " - Matthew 25:24-30 Elder Joseph

ssefc 8/18/19 - "I'll Be Back p.2"- Matthew 25:24-30


I. Man Judges GOD

II. GOD Judges Man


The sins of omission (what we do not do) may ultimately be more dangerous than the sins of commission (what we do).


1. How would you judge GOD's treatment of you? Why?

2. Do you serve GOD most oout of love, convenience, or fear?

3. Do you see laziness as sinful? Why or why not?

4. What is your strategy to guard against idleness?