South Suburban EFC

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SERMON 8/4/19 "Bitter Taste" - exodus 15:22-27

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SERMON 8/4/19 " Bitter Taste " - exodus 15:22-27 Pastor Denny

SERMON 8/4/19 "Bitter Taste" - exodus 15:22-27


I. Bitter Saints (vv.22-25)

II. Sweet Saints (vv.26-27)


Experiencing GOD's salvation in the past is no guarantee that we won't fall into grumbling in the future.


1. How long can you go without grumbling?

2. What do you think of the following statement: GOD is more interested in changing me than HE is in changing my circumstances?

3. What did you learn about the reasons why we grumble?

4. What did you learn about how to overcome grumbling?

5.Do you truly believe that if you trust GOD HE will take care of you?