ssefc 9/15/19 "SEPARATION IS NOT AN OPTION" (P.1) - Romans 8:31-39
ssefc 9/15/19 "SEPARATION IS NOT AN OPTION" (P.1) - Romans 8:31-39
I. Love and Position (vv.31-34)
II. Love and Problems (vv.35- 37)
Difficult times are not a time to take a "Spiritual Time Out"
Application :
1. Have you ever doubted your own salvation? Do you ever doubt the salvation of other saints? What's the basis for your doubt about your own salvation and the salvation of others?
2. Which do we see more- the size of our struggles or the size of our GOD ?
3. Do you truly believe GOD is for you? What did you learn about GOD's interest in you? His investment in you? His intention for you? His insistence for you ?