ssefc 12/15/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME" - Luke 1:26-31
ssefc 12/15/19 "JESUS IS HIS NAME" - Luke 1:26-31
I. The Particulars (vv.16-27)
II. The Pronouncement (vv.28 - 31)
Without a virgin birth, we do not have a Savior
Application :
1. How would you define GOD 's Sovereignty, GOD's Providence? How do you live out these doctrines in your daily life?
2. Do you view yourself as a "favored one" ? Why or why not?
3. What does it mean to you that the "LORD is with you" ?
4. When was the last time you pondered about the Word of GOD?
5. Are you afraid of GOD's Sovereignty/ GOD's Providence? Why or why not?