Outline-December 13, 2020
Text: Luke 1:39-45
Title: The Package
Quote: We need other saints to share the watershed moments of our lives.
Good News About The Package ( vv. 39-40)
Rejoicing About The Package (vv. 41-45)
Have you ever been perplexed, astonished, and/or flabbergasted by the workings of the Lord in your life? If yes, what has been your response? If no, why not?
When you are traveling on a challenging spiritual journey, other than the Lord Almighty, who do you seek encouragement? Are you a spiritual cheerleader? Do you have a spiritual cheerleader in your life?
This week work on your own “ The Magnificat”
Ministry Opportunities:
16th- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm
16th- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 8:1-3)