"A Call To Restore : Receiving Troubling News" - Nehemiah 1:1-3


         Series Title-   “ A Call To Restore”

         Today’s Title- “ Receiving Troubling News”

Quote:  Facts do not cease to exit because they are ignored.

Point:   I.  Receiving Troubling News ( vv. 1-3)


1.     Today’s message addressed three kinds of people in the world.  Which kind of person most resembles you?  Why?

2.    This week write down the number of times God comforts you.  Praise Him each time He comforts you.

3.    Read Philippians 2:3-4- What steps can you take to live out these verses?

4.    What did you learn about the difference between concern and curiosity?

5.    What did you learn about gossip?  What about the acronym “THINK”?

6.    Are you faithfully living within God’s wall and gates?  What covenantal blessing awaits you if you are?

Ministry Opportunities:

Today-Virtual Lord’s Supper following this morning’s message

6th- Prayer ( 7:15pm-7:45) on FreeConference

1.    Call before 7:15- 978-990-5406 

2.    Enter Access Code- 8310363

6th – Bible Study (8pm-9pm)  You will receive new outline and link on Monday Evening.  If you would like to join us for the first time, please email Wonda ( ddennyjr@sbcglobal.net) before 5pm on Monday.