South Suburban EFC

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"Sticks and Stones" -Nehemiah 2:9-10, 19-20

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Text:  Nehemiah 2:9-10, 19-20

Title:  Sticks and Stones

Quote:  If you have not faced the devil head on, then you are most likely going the same way as he is.


I.                 Introduction to Opposition ( vv. 9-10)

II.               Confrontation by Opposition (vv. 19-20)


1.    Do you believe the quote: “Sticks and stones may break my bone, but words will never hurt/break me?

2.    Have you been diverted by Satan and his agents when carrying out God’s mission?  How did you respond to the diversion?

3.    Have you ever been bullied?  Have you ever bullied someone?  Why?

4.    Do you know how our opposition can make us stronger?  According to our message, when facing opposition what three things should you remember?

5.    At the conclusion of today’s message, what three lessons were taught?

Ministry Opportunities:

17th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

17th – Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

·       You should receive your zoom link, handout by Monday evening.  You should receive your Prayer and Praise Report by Wednesday morning, at the latest.  If you fail to receive above-referenced materials by stated times, please contact Sis. Wonda.