Divided We Fall - Nehemiah :1-7a
Text: Nehemiah 5:1-7a
Title: Divided We Fall
Quote: Problem solving in ministry is not an intellectual exercise it’s a spiritual experience.
I. The Outcry ( vv. 1-5)
II. The Response To The Outcry (vv. 6-7a)
1. According to today’s message, are you more like a horse or a donkey? Do you find it easier, to attack an enemy or forgive and restore a brother or sister in Christ? Have you been guilty of locking horns with a brother or sister in Christ?
2. What did you learn about selfishness from today’s message? What did you learn about your own selfishness?
3. Have you been guilty of taking advantage of a brother/sister’s misfortune? Have you been exploited by a brother/sister in Christ? If yes, have you forgiven him/or her?
4. What did you learn about anger from today’s message? Have you ever demonstrated righteous anger?
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22nd- Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm
22nd –Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7- 8:00-9:00pm