" Believe It Or Not," Text: Mark 16:9-14
Outline- April 17, 2022
Title: Believe It Or Not
Text: Mark 16:9-14
Quote: Our past helps us to become God’s trophies of grace.
I. Consolation ( vv. 9-11)
II. Confirmation ( vv. 12-13)
III. Confrontation (v.140
Sermon Application:
1. Do you think your past disqualifies you from God’s favor? Do you view yourself as a trophy of God’s grace?
2. Haver you ever thought about the blessings you missed because you weren’t present?
3. Do you find yourself refusing to believe only if you see a miracle, a wonder, a sign?
Ministry Opportunities;
20th - Charter- 4pm
20th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm
20th – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm – Titus 1:3-4