" Something To Rejoice About" Scriptural Text : Acts 8:25-31; 35-39
Outline- February 19, 2023
Title: Something To Rejoice About
Text: Acts 8:25-31; 35-39
Quote: Obedience is a habit we must develop in our daily life.
I. Rejoicing In Our Divine Appointments ( vv. 25-28)
II. Rejoicing In Our Divine Understanding ( vv. 29-31)
III. Rejoicing In Our Divine Conversion ( vv. 35-39)
1. How well are you watching for opportunities? How well are you listening for God’s voice? How much is God’s voice leading you?
2. What do you think of the following statement: “When the Spirit brings a prepared servant and a contrite sinner together, there will be a harvest”?
3. What did you learn about “successful witnessing”?
4. What did you learn about baptism? What kept you from getting baptized?
Ministry Opportunities:
19th- Baptism Sunday
22nd – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm
22nd – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm