South Suburban EFC

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"God’s Upward Call" - Philippians 3:14

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Outline-January 14, 2024

Text: Philippians 3:14

Title: God’s Upward Call

Quote: Each step of fellowship with Christ now is a little bit of heaven


I. Goal-Oriented Saints ( v. 14a)

II. Upward-Calling Saints ( v. 14b-c)

Sermon Application:

1-How much do you use your age or circumstances to affect you pressing

on toward the goal?

2- Is God’s goal for your life, your goal for your life? Why, or Why not?

3- What do you make of the statement: “The prize is not only a future prize

but also a present prize”?

4-What do you make of the statement: “Each step of fellowship with Christ

now is a little bit of heaven”?

5- What did you learn from our discussion on the following:

A. A Focused Life- Keeping Eye on The Prize

B. A Purposeful Life- Toward the Goad

C. A Fulfilled Life- In Christ Jesus

Ministry Opportunities:

14 th - Sunday School-9:30

16 th - Advisory Board Mtg. -7pm

17 th - Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- 7-9pm

20 th – Ladies’ Small Group- 10-11:30am

28 th – Pulpit Seach Committee Meeting- after Morning Service