Identification - Jonah 1:7-11

Quote: We cannot say that we really trust in God if we decline to do what

He says to do.


I. Identify Yourself ( vv. 7-9)

II. Identity Contrast with Actions ( vv. 10-11)


1. How do you determine God’s Will?

2. How many questions about your identity would it take for them to

learn anything about the God you serve and worship?

3. Do I at times identify more with my political identity, with my

racial/nationality identity than with my spiritual identity?

4. Have you ever embarrassed yourself by your ungodly behavior?

Have you’ve been rightfully rebuked by unbelievers?

5. What did you learn from our discussion on “Ways To Ruin Our


Ministry Opportunities

26 th – Corporate Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study- 7-9pm

30 th – Church Picnic


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