Put Up Your Hands - Exodus 17:8-16
Quote: We must do our best in every circumstance but trust the result to
the Lord.
I. Keep Your Hands Up ( vv. 8-13)
II. Put It In the Book ( vv. 14-16)
Sermon Application:
1- How do you memorialize important events?
2- Have you ever had the opportunity to mentor someone? To train your
3- Do you have a support team like Moses? ( i.e Aaron and Hur)
4- How do you encourage others? How do you receive
5- What did you learn from our discussion on the name of God- Yahweh
Nissi/ Jehovah Nissi?
Ministry Opportunities:
29 th - Corporate Praise, Prayer and Bible Study – 7pm
2 nd - Lord’s Supper