Doing Your Part For God’s Glory - Nehemiah 3:1-2,5

Text:  Nehemiah 3:1-2, 5

Title:  Doing Your Part For God’s Glory

Quote:  No one can do everything but everyone can do something.


I.                Godly Delegation

II.              Godly Teamwork


1.    As a leader in your home, family, and/or church, are you  more of a dictator or delegator?

2.    What did you learn about delegating?  What principles of delegating are you being led to incorporate in your leading?

3.    What did you learn about the principle:  “Letting Go Without Letting Up”?

4.    In our message we spoke about the five essential principles of teamwork.  Which of those five principles are you struggling with the most?

5.    God Workforce ( i.e. constructionists, destructionists, obstructionists).  Which of these three are you at church, in your home, on your job?

6.    What does the quote- “God looks for unity not uniformity” mean?

Ministry Opportunities:

24th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30

24th- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00

Godly Learning- Part 1 - Philippians 4:10-13

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Text:  Philippians 4:10-13

Title:  Godly Learning- Part 1

Quote:  When our contentment is in Christ, we don’t have to have our situations change in order for us to be content.

Points:   I. Godly Contentment Found In God’s Providence- v. 10

              II.  Godly Contentment No Matter The Situation -v. 11


  1.  How much do you truly value your relationship with Christ?  What do you think of the following: The more you value your relationship with Christ the less you want?

  2. Is your sufficiency based on “Self-Sufficiency” or “Christ-Sufficiency?  How does your life demonstrate your basis of sufficiency?

  3. Do you become upset when others don’t take advantage of their opportunity to demonstrate God’s love towards you?  Have you ever missed judged someone’s opportunity? 

  4. From today’s message what did you learn about God’s Providence?

  5. What lessons did you learn from today’s message about Godly Contentment? 

Ministry Opportunity:

Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 8pm.  Remember you should receive zoom link on Monday evening. ( We will be completing last week’s outline)  If you would like to be a first-time participant please let Sis. Denny know by Wednesday afternoon, so she may add you to link.

This Wednesday- we shall have prayer time from 7:45-8pm for those who would like to pray.