
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

 I.  Planned Life ( vv. 15-16)

II.   Precious Thoughts ( vv. 17-18)


1.  How "protected" do you know you are?  How "protected" do you feel?

2.  Have you ever thought of the birth of a child being an accident/mistake?  Have you ever told someone or were you ever told that you were an accident/mistake?

3.  What do you think of the statement:  Not only did God take care in creating us, but He did it all for a purpose-His purpose.

4.  What impact does it have on you that God is thinking about you?

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 

ssefc 1/5/20 "In His Time p.1" - Jeremiah - 29:10-14 


I. GOD's timing (v.10) 

II. GOD's Plan (v.11) 


Be patient - GOD has HIS timing all worked out! 


1. How do you deal with GOD using you to share news and / or a message that will probably not be well received? 

2. In what areas did GOD refine you in 2019? Was it pleasant or painful? 

3. How much does your timing line up with GOD's timing? Do you , at times, foolishly believe that you can hurry GOD's timing? Do you truly believe that GOD;s timing is perfect? 

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