Outline- February 12, 2023
Text: 1 Samuel 17:12-20a
Title: Carrying Out The Father’s Business
Quote: Our job doesn’t define us-we define our job
I. The Father’s Children ( vv. 12-15)
II. The Father’s Errand ( vv. 16-20a)
1. Does your presence calm the situation or does it intensify the situation?
2. How long has your giant stalked you?
3. Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever been the bully?
4. What do you think of the following statement: “The giant you are facing
may just be God’s means of getting you to ask Him for the blessing He has
been waiting to give you all along”?
5. How well are you doing in providing wellness check for your brothers and
sisters in Christ?
Ministry Opportunities:
12 th - Wedding of Blake and Mia @ 3:30
15 th – Charter @4:00
15 th – Corporate Praise and Prayer @ 7-7:45pm
15 th – Corporate Bible Study @ 8pm- Church of Ephesus
18 th – Funeral of Melvin Sanders-Gatlings Funeral Home-11:30
19 th - Baptism Sunday
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