"The Truth And Nothing But The Truth," Text: Acts John 8:31-32

Outline-June 12, 2022

Text: John 8:31-32

Title: The Truth And Nothing But The Truth

Quote: All disciples of Jesus are believers, but all believers in Jesus are not disciples.


I. Belief In Jesus Sets Us Free ( v. 31)

II. God’s Truth Sets Us Free (v.32)


1. How well are you abiding in the Word? How does God’s Word shape your worldview? How well are you doing on the “Acid Test”?

2. What did you learn about being a “disciple”?

3. What did you learn about the “significance” and “nature” of truth?

4. What did you learn about truth? What did you learn about Subjective Truth, Limited/Emerging Truth; and Objective Truth?

5. Are you experiencing the liberation of knowing/abiding in God’s Word?

Ministry Opportunities:

16th- Charter- 4pm

16th- Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm-7:45pm

16th- Corporate Bible Study- Titus 1:13-16

19th – Father’s Day

26th- Church Picnic- Immediately Following Morning Service