
"Thank God For Mothers, " Luke 1:26-45

Outline-May 8, 2022

Title: Thank God For Mothers

Text: Luke 1:26-45

Quote: Motherhood is truly a gift from God.


I. Difficulties Faced By Mothers ( vv. 26-27, 31)

II. Resources Available to Mothers ( vv. 39-40)

III. Response Expected of Mothers ( v.38)


1. What were some of the difficulties that you or your mother faced?

2. As a mother, or how well did your mother teach you about the importance of spiritual possessions?

3. In what ways is Satan attacking children today?

4. Do you or did your mother struggle with doubting whether you/she was a good mother?

5. What resources do you have or did your mother have to raise your children/ or you?

6. Do you- or did your mother have a servant mindset?

Ministry Opportunities:

11th – Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7-7:45pm

11th – Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm – Titus 1:4-6

14th – Men’s Small Group- 7:30am

21st- Ladies’ Gathering- 10am

"Hate Crimes" - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.2

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 2

Title: Hate Crimes

Quote: Sadly, too often lying comes easy.

Points: I. Hateful Tongues (v.17b)

II. Hateful Hands ( v.17c)


1. Do you have a lying problem? Do you see yourself as imitating Satan when

you lie? Do you view lying as hateful?

2. What did you learn about the following?

A. Origin of Lying

B. Operation of Lying

C. Overcoming Lying

3. Why has it become a big issue that every human life is of infinite value to


4. Have you been guilty of shedding innocent blood?

5. What did you learn from the steps to avoid shedding innocent blood?

Ministry Opportunities:

2 nd - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

2 nd - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians- 8-9pm

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

ssefc 1/26/20 "A Cherished Life p.2" - Psalm 139:15-18

 I.  Planned Life ( vv. 15-16)

II.   Precious Thoughts ( vv. 17-18)


1.  How "protected" do you know you are?  How "protected" do you feel?

2.  Have you ever thought of the birth of a child being an accident/mistake?  Have you ever told someone or were you ever told that you were an accident/mistake?

3.  What do you think of the statement:  Not only did God take care in creating us, but He did it all for a purpose-His purpose.

4.  What impact does it have on you that God is thinking about you?

sermon 1/19/20 "A Cherished Life " - Psalm 139:13-16 p.1  

sermon 1/19/20 "A Cherished Life " - Psalm 139:13-16 p.1  


I. Personal and Precise Life (vv. 13-14) 

II. Planned and Precious Life (vv. 15 - 16) 

Quote: GOD cherishes what HE created. 


1. As believers, have you given ownership of your body/ your life to GOD? 

2. When did you realize that GOD was interested in you? What do you think about the fact that GOD was interested in you before you were even born? 

3. Why do you think the concept of "sanctity" is not being taught in the church? (Sanctity of Life, Sanctity of Marriage, Sanctity of Bedroom, etc. )

4. As you read Psalm 139 - do you normally focus on the creation more than the Creator? Why?