Outline-October 15, 2023
Topic: Evilness Is Devilish
Text: 1 Samuel 28:1-7
Quote: Anything good is hated by everything evil
I. Evilness of Lying and Deceiving ( vv. 1-2)
II. Evilness of Inquiring and Dabbling ( vv. 3-7)
1. Do you struggle with lying? Do you rationalize your lying? Are you a deceptive person?
2. Have you been fighting the wrong enemy for so long you have forgotten who is the real enemy?
3. Have you ever turned to evilness for guidance? ( i.e. horoscope, Ouija Board, palm reading, tarot card, etc.)
4. Do you recall the times in your spiritual journey with the Lord that you became impatient with God? Whom or What did you turn to for guidance/comfort? Have you ever felt God was keeping something from you that you needed?
5. What do you think of the quote- Anything good is hated by everything evil.
Moody Founders’ Week- 18th- 20th
Sunday School-22nd
PSTF Workshop- 28th – 9:30-12:30
Regional Superintendent- Steve McCausland-29th – Morning Service