
"The LORD Is My Strength" - 1 Samuel 30:1-6

Outline- November 5, 2023

Title: The Lord Is My Strength

Text: 1 Samuel 30:1-6

Quote: What life does to us depends on what life finds in us.


Strength In Self ( Background)

Strength Up in Smoke ( vv. 1-3)

Strength In The Lord ( vv. 4-6) 


 Have you ever experienced a “Line of Demarcation” moment in your life?

 Have you ever heard someone say about you-What is a Christian doing here?

 What do you think of the statement-“It is when we act foolishly- it is then that God has encouragement for us”?

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when your strength went up in smoke?

How well do you respond/handle criticism?

What do you think of the following statement: “A crisis does not make a person; it shows what a person is made of”?

How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord?

Ministry Opportunities:

5th- Lord’s Supper

7th- Search Committee- 7:30

8th- Corporate Prayer (7:00)/ Corporate Bible Study (8:00)

11th- Men’s Small Group-7:30am

14th- Advisory Board Meeting- 7:00pm

"Unbroken Saints" - 1 Samuel 28:15-25

Outline-October 29, 2023

Title: Unbroken Saints

Text: 1 Samuel 28:15-25

Quote: Just because there are people who will obey you does not mean you are right with God.


I. Last Conversation ( vv. 15-19)

II. Last Meal ( vv. 20-25)


1- Do you find yourself at times playing the role of the victim?

2- When was the last time someone asked you to go against God? Did you give in to their request?

3- Have you ever experienced the stiffening of the soul? ( William Blaikie’s quote)

4- What do you think of the statement- “Just because there are people who will obey you does not mean you are right with God”.

5- Do you have better communication with unsaved people than you do with saved people?

Ministry Opportunities:

Meet our New Chicagoland Superintendent- Steve McCausland- Today

1st- Corporate Praise/Prayer and Bible Study – 7-8pm and 8-9pm

4th- Couples’ Small Group-10:30-12

5th- Lord’s Supper

"Speak Into My Life" - 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Outline- July 9, 2023

Title: Speak Into My Life

Text: 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Quote: Remember-The Christian life is about others, not you./ Words that aren’t backed up actions are empty.


I. In The Wilderness ( v. 15)

II. Receiving Encouragement In The Wilderness ( vv. 16-18)


1. While in the wilderness, do you become discouraged? Where do you find encouragement?

2. What did you learn about spiritual encouragement? What did you learn about real encouragement?

3. In the 21st Century Church, do you believe the ministry of encouragement is lacking? Why?

4. What did you learn about the three requirements of encouragement?

Ministry Opportunities:

16th – Kidz Zone

16th – Members’ Meeting- After Morning Service

16th – VBS Meeting and Decoration- After Members’ Meeting

19th-21st - VBS-7-8:30pm

23rd- Church Picnic

30th – Sunday School- 9:30am

"Undignified Moments" - 1 Samuel 21;1-4,7 and 10-13

Sermon Outline-June 11, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 21;1-4,7 and 10-13

Title: “ Undignified Moments”

Quotes: Wilderness begins with disconnections. It continues with deceit.


I. Undignified Moments of Fear ( vv. 1-4,7)

II. Undignified Moments of Compromise ( vv. 10-13)


1. What is your support system and/or spiritual crutches? Have there been times in which you leaned too heavily on your support system and or spiritual crutches?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on the danger of support system and or spiritual crutches?

3. Have you ever struggled with lying? What steps did you take to stop lying?

4. Have you ever thought you were safer hiding/hanging out with the enemy/sinners?

5. Do you ever think about walking in a manner worthy of your high calling?

Ministry Opportunities:

11th- VBS Informational Meeting -After Morning Service

13th- Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm- Zoom link will be provided

14th – Corporate Praise and Prayer (7pm) and Corporate Bible Study (8pm)