
"Safely In God’s Arms," Text: Acts 27:30-44

Outline-June 5, 2022

Title: Safely In God’s Arms

Text: Acts 27:30-44

Quote: A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me. Philip Yancey


I. Jumping Saints ( (vv. 30-32)

II. Encouraging Saints ( vv. 33-36)

III. Landing Saints ( vv. 39-44)

Sermon Application:

1. When was the last time you felt like jumping ship? Do you truly believe you have everything in the Lord to survive any storm?

2. What role does encouragement play in your spiritual walk? Who do you look to for encouragement?

3. Do you shrink when it comes to praying in front of other people? If yes, why? If no, why?

Ministry Opportunities:

7th- Advisory Board Meeting- Zoom- 7pm

8th – Corporate Praise and Prayer-7pm-7:45pm

8th- Corporate Bible Study- Titus 1:10-17- 8pm-9pm

11th- Hike for Life- Peace Community Church 21300 LaGrange Road, Frankfort, IL-


“ Song of Rapha"-Exodus 15:25-27

Outline- November 21, 2021

Title: Song of Rapha

Text: Exodus 15:25-27

Quote: Sometimes God simply wants to transform what you already have


I. Song of Rapha ( vv. 25-26)

II. Song of Refreshing (v.27)

Sermon Application:

1. What or Who is the anchor of your life? Why?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on –“Why does God test us?”

3. What do you think about the statement- It’s one thing to know something and quite another thing to know how to apply that truth to our circumstances?

4. How has Jehovah Rapha healed you? How is Jehovah Rapha healing you presently?

5. Where and when did God provide you your last Elim?

Ministry Opportunities:

24th- Corporate Prayer-Night of Thanksgiving

24th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

27th- Youth Small Group

28th – Kidz Zone (ages 5-12) - contact Sis. Skeeter or Sis. Sharon for zoom link