
Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.3

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 3

Title: Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness

Quote: God hates not only the mind that plans the evil but the feet that are

eager to carry it out.


I. Bad Heart ( v.18a)

II. Bad Feet (v. 18b)

III. Bad Witness ( v.19)


1. Is your heart beating with or against the Lord Almighty?

2. Are you devising wicked plans-i.e. pleasing yourself, making your own path,

fulfilling his own desires?

3. Are you surprised that your wicked plans have led to sadness, brokenness,


4. What did you learn about counteracting feet that are swift to run to


5. Have you borne false witness?

Ministry Opportunities:

9 th - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

9 th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:1-3

"Dragnet' - Matthew 13:47-52

Outline- November 15,2020

Title: Dragnet

Text: Matthew 13:47-52

Quote: The Biblical idea of understanding isn’t just having a head full of

knowledge or facts but that it’s the right and proper application of those facts.


I. God’s Glorious Kingdom Dragnet ( vv. 47-50)

II. Godly Kingdom Understanding (vv.51-52)


1. How well do you handle punishment/discipline? How well do you handle

God’s discipline/punishment of you? Do you ever think it’s unfair?

2. Have you ever said you understand something when you really haven’t?

What do you think of the biblical definition of godly understanding which

includes not just knowledge or facts but having the right and proper

application of those facts?

3. Discipleship/Scribe-what is meant by not overemphasizing learning at the

expense of living?

4. What do you think of the growing discipleship test: Do you want more of

God’s Word or less?

Ministry Opportunity:

18 th - 7:00-7:30pm- Corporate Prayer

18 th - 8:00-9:00pm- Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 7 Hypothetical