
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Doubting The Lord Almighty" - Exodus 5:19-23

Outline-June 6, 2021

Title: Doubting The Lord Almighty

Text: Exodus 5:19-23

Quote: Faith is trusting God even when His plan goes against human reason or experience.


I. Attacking the Lord Almighty’s Messenger ( vv. 19-21)

II. Attacking the Lord Almighty ( vv. 22-23)

Sermon Application:

!. When do you become angry? What do you expect to receive from God?

2. Did today’s message change/alter your perspective concerning “doubt”?

3. How do you handle doubt?

4. Do you embrace the mystery of God?

5. Are you comfortable with the phrase – “ I don’t know but God does”?

6. Have your most painful attacks come from within or without?

Ministry Opportunities:

9th – Corporate Prayer – 7:00-7:40pm

9th -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm ( 2 Corinthians 10:7-9)

12th- Men’s Small Group

12th – P.A.S.S.- Hike for Life 9am-noon

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"The Wildernes Of GOD" - Exodus 3:1-6

Outline-May 2, 2021

Text: Exodus 3:1-6

Title: In The Wilderness With God

Quote: Sometimes you have to go through the wilderness before you get to the Promised Land


I. Divine Encounter In the Wilderness (vv. 1-3)

II. Holy Ground In the Wilderness (vv.4-6)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you believe even your wilderness experiences are being used by God to make you “usable”?

2. When was your most recent “Divine Interruption”? When did you realize it was a “Divine Interruption”?

3. Are you ready to see God whenever He chooses to reveal Himself? Did you understand you were standing on holy ground?

4. When and How has God spoken to you?

Ministry Opportunity:

4th- Advisory- 2020 Leaders- 7pm- Zoom

5th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:40pm

5th-Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm 2 Corinthians 9:13-15

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