godly living

"You've Got A Friend," Scriptural Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Outline-April 16, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-4

Title: You’ve Got A Friend 

Quote: The encouragement from a friend is priceless.


I. Nature of Friendship Uncommon Love ( vv. 1-2)

II. Nature of Friendship Covenant Love ( vv. 3-4) 

Sermon Application:

1. Do you have more associates and acquaintances than friends? How would you define a friend?

2. When you look back over your life, who do you give thanks to God for strategically placing in your life?

3. Have you ever made a covenant of love?

4. What did you learn from today’s message on – Characteristics of True Godly Friendship?

Ministry Opportunities/Announcements:

19th- Charter- 4pm

19th- Corporate Praise/Prayer-7pm/ Corporate Bible Study-Church of Pergamum-8pm

23rd- Sunday School- 9:30-10:30- Discussion will be based on Application Questions from today’s message

"Comforting Word" - Isaiah 40:6-8

Outline-March 7,2021

Text: Isaiah 40:6-8

Title: Comforting Word

Quote: God’s Word is Bigger Than Our Biggest Problem

Point: I. In Need of Comfort

Sermon Application:

1. When you are hurting/suffering, what role does God’s Word play in comforting you?

2. When you are hurting/suffering what or who do you turn to first, second, third? Why?

3. What scripture(s) provide you comfort when you are going through difficulties? Have you memorized such scriptures? Have you shared such scriptures with others?

Ministry Opportunities:

• There will be no corporate prayer or corporate bible study on March 10th – Pastor and Wonda will be celebrating 31st Wedding Anniversary

17th – Corporate Prayer – 7:00​-7:30pm

17th - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:20​-24- 8:00​-9:00pm

Link to powerpoint

Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.3

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 3

Title: Bad Heart, Bad Feet, Bad Witness

Quote: God hates not only the mind that plans the evil but the feet that are

eager to carry it out.


I. Bad Heart ( v.18a)

II. Bad Feet (v. 18b)

III. Bad Witness ( v.19)


1. Is your heart beating with or against the Lord Almighty?

2. Are you devising wicked plans-i.e. pleasing yourself, making your own path,

fulfilling his own desires?

3. Are you surprised that your wicked plans have led to sadness, brokenness,


4. What did you learn about counteracting feet that are swift to run to


5. Have you borne false witness?

Ministry Opportunities:

9 th - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

9 th – Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians 8:1-3

"Hate Crimes" - Proverbs 6:16-19 p.2

Text: Proverbs 6:16-19- Part 2

Title: Hate Crimes

Quote: Sadly, too often lying comes easy.

Points: I. Hateful Tongues (v.17b)

II. Hateful Hands ( v.17c)


1. Do you have a lying problem? Do you see yourself as imitating Satan when

you lie? Do you view lying as hateful?

2. What did you learn about the following?

A. Origin of Lying

B. Operation of Lying

C. Overcoming Lying

3. Why has it become a big issue that every human life is of infinite value to


4. Have you been guilty of shedding innocent blood?

5. What did you learn from the steps to avoid shedding innocent blood?

Ministry Opportunities:

2 nd - Corporate Prayer- 7-7:30pm

2 nd - Corporate Bible Study- 2 Corinthians- 8-9pm

"Broken Promises - p.2" - Nehemiah 13:15-31

Outline- September 27, 2020

Text: Nehemiah 13:15-31

Title: Broken Promises- Part 2

Quote: Rationalize: Allowing my mind to find reasons to excuse what my spirit knows is wrong.


I. Broken Promise Concerning The Sabbath ( vv. 15-22)

II. Broken Promise Concerning Marriage ( vv. 23-31)


1. In what way(s) do you honor the Lord’s Day? What reasons/excuses have you given for dishonoring the Lord’s Day? Do you view dishonoring the Lord’s Day as evil, as profane? Why or Why not?

2. Before you got married or before you get married, how important was it , or is it, that you and your spouse share the same faith in God?

3. Do you believe the Church is truly offended by interfaith marriages? Do you believe the Church is prepared to take radical measures to defend marriage? Is it a belief or conviction that believers are only to marry other believers?

4. How does co-habitation and divorce adversely undermine the sanctity of marriage? Why do you believe the Church does not view co-habitation and divorce as evil and wicked and profane?

Ministry Opportunities:

30th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00pm-7:30pm

30th -Corporate Bible Study- 8:00pm-9:00pm – 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

4th- Church Launch-In-Person Worship Service- 11am ( only reserved worshippers will attend)

"Awesome GOD" - Nehemiah 9:14-17

Text: Nehemiah 9:14-17

Title: Awesome God

Quote: Unless we know that we have missed a mark, we have no mark to return


Points: I. Stubborn Saints (vv. 14-17b)

II. Awesome God (v.17c)


1. Have you ever blamed God for the mess you are in? Do you have a

problem admitting you are wrong?

2. What do you think of the following statement: Separation without

devotion to the Lord becomes isolation, but devotion without separation is


3. What did you learn about Chuck Swindoll’s Four Spiritual Discipline To

Cultivating Intimacy? ( i.e. Simplicity, Silence, Solitude, Surrender)

4. Do you struggle with being arrogant? What areas are you stiff-necked

about as it relates to Word?

5. When was the last time God left you speechless? What does it mean that

the God is slow to anger?

Ministry Opportunities;

9 th - Corporate Praise and Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

9 th - Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm