Text: Mark 4:21-25
Title: This Little Light of Mine
Quote: The saint who has been enlighten must in turn enlighten others.
I. The Divine Purpose and Power of Light ( vv.21-22)
II. Divine Privileges of Listening and Hearing ( vv.23-25)
Ministry Application:
1. How are you doing in sharing the Light that has been given to you? Is your light shining or are you hiding it? Are you allowing the Word to be a lamp unto your feet or are you walking in darkness?
2. Are you careful to what you listen to? Do you understand- garbage in, garbage out? How well are you doing as it pertains to the 3 C’s- cautioned, counseled, comforted?
3. Are you a reservoir or a conduit?
4. Do you have a better understanding of the difference between listening and hearing?
Ministry Opportunities:
11th- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm
11th- Corporate Bible Study 2 Corinthians 7:13-18/Review- 8:00-9:00pm