
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"You're Better Than That" - 1 Samuel 25:25-31

Text: 1 Samuel 25:23-31

Title: You’re Better Than That

Quote: Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be since

you cannot make yourself as you wish to be – Thomas Kemp


I. Don’t Forget To Recognize ( vv. 23-25)

II. Don’t Forget To Remember ( vv. 26-31)


1. What did you learn about humility from today’s message?

2. Have you ever taken upon yourself someone’s else guilt? Why? Did the

Lord tell you to do so?

3. Has anyone ever told you- “You’re Better Than That”? If so, how did you

respond? If not, why not?

4. What’s your biggest regret? Have you talked with God about it?

Ministry Opportunities:

6 th - Corporate Prayer and Corporate Bible Study- 7-9pm

12 th - Advisory Board Meeting- 7pm

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Losing Ones Mind" - 1 Samuel 25:13-19

78 views Streamed live on Aug 27, 2023

Outline- August 27, 2023

Text: 1 Samuel 25:13-19

Title: Losing One’s Mind

Quote: Anger blows out the lamp of the mind


I. Spiritual Insanity (vv. 13-17)

II. Spiritual Interference (vv. 18-19)


1. Do you wrestle with anger? Has anger become a habit?

2. What did you learn from our discussion on the benefits of spiritual habits?

3. What do you think of the following statement: “Anger takes control of the mind and turns sane saints into raving lunatics”?

4. Are you approachable? What makes you approachable?

5. What did you learn about Abigail from this week’s message?

Ministry Opportunities:

Bro. Royce Coleman’s funeral- September 1st

Lord’s Supper- September 3rd

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