
Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"Where's My Fly Swatter" - Exodus 8:20-32

Outline-July 18, 2021

Text: Exodus 8:20-32

Title: “Where’s My Fly Swatter”

Quote: Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you

do with the best you have.


I. Swarming Flies ( vv. 20-24)

II. Stretching Forward ( vv. 25-30)

Sermon Application:

1. Are you an early riser with God? What do you worship first thing in the


2. What steps do you take to live separate from the world?

3. What do you think of the following statement: It’s not the methods, the

tools, or the people that have the power- it’s the Lord Almighty.

4. What did you learn about our discussion on: “ Don’t Go Too Far”?

Ministry Opportunities:

Upcoming Morning Speakers;

25 th - Elder Joseph Hyligar

1 st – Elder Joseph Hyligar- will lead Lord’s Supper

8 th – Former Elder Gilbert Russell

Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- will resume August 11 th

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Sermon Rashad King Sermon Rashad King

"You Betta Recognize" - Exodus 5:1-4

Title: You Betta Recognize

May 30, 2021

Text: Exodus 5:1-4

Quote: There’s a difference between knowing God and knowing about God. When you truly know God, you have the energy to serve Him, boldness to share Him, and contentment in Him. J. I. Packer


I. Before Royalty ( vv. 1-2)

II. Consequences of Disrespecting Royalty ( vv. 3-4)

Sermon Application:

1. Do you forget who has made man’s mouth, or who makes him mute or dead?

2. How much do you care that your sinful behavior may or can cause the Lord’s anger to burn against you?

3. Do you lack holy boldness to do, to say, what is not within your comfort zone?

4. Who is the Lord to you? When did you transition about knowing about the Lord and knowing the Lord?

5. Do you understand there are consequences for disobedience?

Ministry Opportunity:

2nd- Corporate Prayer- 7:7:40pm

2nd- Corporate Bible Study- 8-9pm- 2 Corinthians 10:5-9

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