move on faith

"Ready Set Go" - Nehemiah 2:5-8

Text:  Nehemiah 2:5-8

Title:  Ready Set Go

Quote:  The presence of faith does not mean the absence of organization. Chuck Swindoll


I.                Sent By God ( v.5)

II.              Prepared By God ( vv. 6-8)


1.     We are invited by God to come before His throne of grace and mercy- why is it that we fail to take God up on His invitation more often?

2.    Do you speak confidently and respectful when sent on an assignment by the Lord Almighty?

3.    Which of the four bones of a church/ a ministry are you most like? ( i.e. wish-bone, jaw-bone, knuckle-bone, back-bone)

4.    During your spiritual journey, do you normally lean towards God’s Sovereignty or your Free-Will?  ( i.e. spiritual teeter-totter)

5.    What or Who do you rely on the most when planning? ( i.e. Personal Experiences, Personal Preferences, Advice of Others, God)

6.    How often do you ask yourself the “Foundational Question”:  Is this plan in keeping in God’s Will for my life?

7.    Do you provide recognition of God’s good hand being on you or do you pat your own back for what you accomplished?

Ministry Opportunities:

3rd- Corporate Prayer- 7:00-7:30pm

3rd- Corporate Bible Study- 8:00-9:00pm

·      Sis. Wonda will provide handout outline and links by Monday Evening.  If you have never participated please share your desire by Monday Afternoon.